China Dispatch #6
Contributed by: Molly McAlvany and Audrey Ashford
November 28, 2013 - Today we woke up and had breakfast at the training center. It was an interesting breakfast that included a large bowl of warm milk and mysterious jelly filled pastries. After the meal we headed to the gym, about a five minute walk from where we are staying. After warming up in another freezing cold gym, we started practicing with the Chinese team! It was really cool to see how they practiced and doing all their drills with them. After practice we had another lovely meal at the training center and plenty of rice! We then used our two hour break to take some much needed naps.
After the two hour break following our lunch we headed back over to the gym to scrimmage. Our oppenents were disciplined, skilled, and ready to compete. The first two games resulted in loss for us. However after making some adjustments we were able to pull through the next three games in a row and come out on top with the first win of the trip. After the exciting win and taking a picture with the other team we went back to the training center to eat dinner and enjoy our early evening! Looking forward to the rest of our trip!