Can you see the moon?
2021 - Emerging Stronger
January 7, 2021 - There is a Japanese koan that goes: "My barn having burned to the ground -- now I can see the moon." This quote by Mizuta Masahide, a 17th century Japanese poet, sort of describes our journey from 2020 to 2021. As this new season begins, we hope to emerge stronger and more committed as a volleyball family and community.
It is truly inspirational to see athletes and coaches return to all our gyms. The pure joy, passion and unwavering commitment of everyone connected to the A5 Volleyball family reinforces the goal of facing whatever lies ahead and growing from the valuable experiences that follow.
As an organization, we are committed to creating the right kind of leadership and nurturing environment necessary for all to pursue and achieve our common vision both on and off the court. We will not be deterred. We will embrace the challenges and be engaged in the work.