A5 Ranked #2 in the Country by Triple Crown Sports
(also ranked #2 over the past 5-year time horizon)
August 22, 2019 -
A5 Ranked #2 in the Country by Triple Crown Sports
(also ranked #2 over the past 5-year time horizon)
Triple Crown Sports (TCS) 2019 National Club Rankings are out, and we are happy to inform you that A5 finished the 2019 season as the 2nd ranked volleyball club in the country – just behind TAV, who has occupied the top spot since club rankings were created in 2013. Also, it is the 2nd consecutive year, A5 South is ranked in the top 100 in the country for US National Club Rankings over a 5 year period. TCS is the most valid and inclusive rankings platform, using tournament finishes from all governing bodies, coaches' opinion polls, and college placement information.
A5 Veterans may recall that the Board established a goal at its annual retreat in 2008 for A5 to earn a national reputation such that it was considered by volleyball insiders to be a top ten club. Clearly we have accomplished this goal, as we have been ranked #9, #5, #2, #8, #3, #3 and #2 since Club rankings were created by Triple Crown in 2013. (Note – when 2018 national rankings were released last year, A5 was listed as #2, but the summary currently shown on HERE that shows us as #3.) While we are proud of the national recognition our coaches and our athletes have achieved from a competitive standpoint, we don’t want to over-emphasize this club ranking, as this constitutes but one measure of on-going excellence. Other metrics – such as the fact that we send 60 – 70 athletes on to play in college year after year, or that we regularly qualify more teams for nationals than any other club in the country, or that all of our top teams have qualified to compete in the Open division of USAV Nationals for the past five years, or the amazing accomplishments of our “2”, “3” and “4” teams – are every bit as important to us.
So what can we do for an encore? Supplant TAV as the top club in the nation, of course! And you can be sure that we’ve got them in our cross-hairs and we are closing the gap.
Indeed, even as you read this article, your Board is hard at work to ensure that our athletes and our teams continue to improve not only competitively, but experientially as well. So look for some meaningful and exciting changes to be announced in weeks to come.
THANK YOU to all our athletes, coaches, families and supporters! Without you we wouldn't be where we're at today. We are truly proud of and humbled by this recognition!