A5 Beach Players Win Top Spots in RallyVB Power League Championship
April 10, 2016 - The Winter Power Sand League included pairs from multiple clubs and ran for 8 weeks. There were 5 pools of 5 pairs across all age groups (i.e. 16s can play 18s, etc.) with 3 matches per team each competition day. Seeding was initially based on USA rankings. After every week pools were reseeded and the top 2 in each pool moved up and the bottom 2 moved down. The Power League wrapped up with a Championship Tournament. A5 players finished in top spots across all age groups:
18U: 2nd Place – Cassidy Hurley and Jolie Seir
16U: 1st Place Champs – Anna Youngs and Camryn Bossinas
16U: 2nd Place – Hannah Mabrey and Brittney Thomas
14U: 1st Place Champs – Christina McArdle and Haley Krucher